Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year Resolutions

     So the new year always brings many resolutions for people. Lose weight, read the Bible more, get healthy, exercise more, save money, spend more time with the family, pay off bills, etc, etc, etc. Normally i do not set any resolutions for myself, because they so easily fall to the wayside after a month or two! This year, however, i have said there are a few things i want to be better in my life and to make me a better person. They are actually pretty typical. Here they are, in no particular order:
1. get back on my healthy track(eat better & exercise more)
2. read my Bible more
3. save money(mainly on groceries & eating out)
4. be a better housewife(clean, cook, etc.)
     So why do we make resolutions?? I mean, we have good intentions, but most people (me included) have no follow through. I was just wondering why it goes so well for a few weeks or a month, and then we just seem to forget?Why can't i make a plan and stick to it? I mean, it shouldnt be that hard to get 30 mins of Bible reading and 30 mins of exercise in, right?? But, to me, it seems almost impossible!
     Ben & I made a bet that we could not go the whole month of Jan without eating out; this means no fast food, restaurants, gas station snacks, drinks from vending machines! So far, neither of us have faltered, which is a big step for us. We usually eat out 3-4 times a week, so this is a very big deal for us! Hopefully, this will help us to save money on our food bills and allow us to save up for some new things we need/want around the house. We have a wish list made that we are going to start on if and when we see the savings results.
     I have really strived to keep the house clean since the week of Christmas. I have done pretty good so far. I have kept dishes washed, toys straightened, floors vaccumed, swept, & mopped-i have to do these chores daily to keep up with it all. I have made sure the bathrooms are clean & tried to even dust a few times! My problem is that laundry is my worst enemy! I HATE laundry! folding, ironing, & putting away are like medieval torture for me! I'm not sure why either. when i think about it, it doesnt seem like a big deal. but when time comes to actually do the task, i just always put it off. it has come to where i just throw them in my bedroom and close the door. at night we just shove them from the bed to a basket and keep adding to the pile! i'm embarrased to admit that, but i need help! does anyone have tips on how they keep it all going??
     The little extra projects always get me down too. like cleaning closets and cabinets. i mean, its all i can do to keep dishes washed and toys picked up much less add on extras!! they always depress me. so i either walk away and leave it, or start and give up midway.
     So this was very random. sorry to anyone who is reading. i dont know where i was going with this. just rambling, as always. my mind moves in a million different directions every minute, so this is a dose of that! good night!


  1. i should have also said, pray for me that i will keep my resoultions and not let them slip to the back burner this year!

  2. Hey! I didn't know you were blogging :) I know you saw my cleaning contest win blog, but check out this's where the contest began and I now follow this cleaning schedule. I promise you that I have NEVER kept a clean house, and now it pretty much stays clean. All that's around are toys, and they are put away nightly when Carson goes to sleep at 6:30. Anyway, the blog post is:

  3. i just started! i read your blogs and joys about the cleaning. i love the schedule, but most of that stuff i have to do on a daily basis around here! i have to vaccum, sweep, mop, dishes, clean up toys, wash clothes, & clean toilets every day just to stay on top of things!! sometimes it is just a madhouse ;) im glad to hear you are doing better, though. keeping a clean house has never been easy for me. i struggle with it ALOT!! laundry is my main issue though. i truly despise it! i will be praying for you and me that we can keep clean houses this year!!
